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Questions about:

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How much is it reduced?
Flecha verde

The reduction will depend on the fat to be measured, and the patient’s lifestyle, since it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water a day and do 45 minutes of exercise daily.

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Recommendations for optimal results?
Flecha verde

We recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, as well as exercising and eating healthy.

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Is the treatment aggressive with the skin?
Flecha verde

The treatment is not aggressive, the head sucks the fat which is managed by cryolipolysis for 45 minutes in double chin or 70 minutes in other areas, at the end of the treatment a light massage is given in the worked area to eliminate the frozen fat, there may be minimal (not very noticeable) swelling that subsides within a day or two.

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Reactions after treatment?
Flecha verde

Bruises and small cramps may only occur for the first few days.

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Are all people a candidate for this procedure?
Flecha verde

No, this treatment cannot be applied to: Diabetic, pregnant, hypertensive, kidney problems, people with pacemakers, hernias, circulatory problems, people taking anticoagulants, people who have prostheses or metal plates and it is important not to have had minor surgeries, at least 6 months before.

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Which are the benefits?
Flecha verde

-It is an effective and safe therapy.

-Visible results from the first session and optimal results to the third session.

-No anesthesia is needed

-The recovery time is minimal.

-It does not limit daily activity, you can return to your daily activities immediately.

-It is an excellent alternative for both men and women.

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Can I have several sessions on the same day in a different area?
Flecha verde

Yes, as long as it is in different zones, up to 2 zones can be done on the same day. It is necessary to rest at least one week for a third zone.

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How often can I have sessions in the same area?
Flecha verde

Every 3 months, since it is the determined time to see the final result of the first session.

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In what areas can it be applied?
Flecha verde

The areas in which the treatment can be applied are: Buttocks, lower back, upper back, abdomen, flanks (left and right side of the abdomen), double chin, crotch and arms.

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It is painful?
Flecha verde

It is a not very painful method, is very tolerated by the patient, although some patients may feel some discomfort such as a cold sensation during the first minutes of the treatment.

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Is recovery time necessary?
Flecha verde

As it is not an invasive treatment, the procedure allows the immediate reincorporation of the patient to his daily life.

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How many sessions do I need?
Flecha verde

The number of sessions is determined in the medical evaluation, since we must measure the fat that you want to work on. usually, 1 to 3 sessions are needed.

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How long does it last per session?
Flecha verde

It lasts 70 minutes per area and 45 minutes in double chin

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How does it work?
Flecha verde

The Cooltech treatment allows to reduce subcutaneous fat in certain areas of the body, through controlled cooling technology.

An adjustable vacuum applicator is used that acts selectively on the fatty tissue, thus producing the destruction of fat, eliminating it naturally in 3 weeks

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What is CoolTech?
Flecha verde

It is a new and effective method to reduce fatty tissue in unwanted parts through the application of controlled cold, to lose volume and reshape the body.

It is a non-invasive treatment for the selective elimination of body fat, it is performed by cryolipolysis (freezing down to -8 ° C)

A non-surgical alternative for removing fat in specific areas.

☑ Proven results worldwide
☑ System created by Harvard scientists
☑ Patented E-12382287

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Would this treatment work for patients who no longer have ovaries and womb?
Flecha verde

Yes, since the treatment helps to eliminate all that atrophy that is formed by lack of hormones, which leads to vaginal dryness, it also helps us to prevent and treat urinary incontinence.

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Reactions after treatment?
Flecha verde

Small colic and gas may occur.

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Recommendations after treatment?
Flecha verde

We ask you not to have sexual intercourse for 7 days after your treatment, not to exercise for 3 days afterwards, and to wear a waste pad for around 7 to 10 days.

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How long is the session?
Flecha verde

The treatment lasts from 15 to 20 minutes per session. 3 sessions are necessary, 1 per month.
And is necessary to repeat the 3 sessions annually.

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it is painful?
Flecha verde

The treatment is painless as (at the request of the patient) we handle mild local anesthesia. Without surgery, and without hospitalization.

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Which are the benefits?
Flecha verde

Help to prevent and treat urinary incontinence

Reduces or eliminates intimate discomfort such as dryness, irritation, itching or laxity. Etc.

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How do I start?
Flecha verde

easy, the doctor will check your vaginal and bladder situation, in case of finding atrophy (vaginal dryness), laxity and urinary incontinence, offer you the treatment with the Monalisa Touch laser and adequately resolve these disorders.

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Who can receive the treatment?
Flecha verde

Any woman who wants to prevent or cure the effects of a decrease in estrogen at the intimate level. The most common symptoms are vaginal dryness, laxity, irritation, pain during intercourse, and mild urinary incontinence, etc.

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Why do I need to apply the treatment?
Flecha verde

The passage of time, slow and relentless, causes functional and significant changes in all the organs of your body, including the genitals.

The loss of turgor and hydration in the genital tissues causes a reduction in vaginal lubrication, increases discomfort, itching, dryness, a feeling of heaviness and even pain during intercourse.

Amplitude of vaginal canal from multiple births and/or large deliveries, Lack of wall tension, thinning of the walls, stress urinary incontinence, involuntary urine leakage.

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What is Monalisa Touch?
Flecha verde

MonaLisa Touch is a functional vaginal regeneration treatment based on a CO2 laser system, designed to treat vaginal atrophy and urinary incontinence, reactivating the production of new collagen and restoring the conditions of the vaginal mucosa characteristic of childbearing age.

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What are the benefits of the treatment at shorterm?
Flecha verde

The immediate benefits of a bioidentical hormone treatment is the improvement in the mood as well as the hormonal balance of the patient and the reduction of the symptoms of menopause, generally a treatment of four to six months has a favorable result and an impact on quality of life.

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is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy For Life?
Flecha verde

Yes, as long as it is well indicated and supervised

There are 4 basic factors to keep us healthy and young physically and emotionally

1- Balanced diet avoiding as much as possible the sugars, flours and fats.
2- Physical exercise, walking a minimum of 30 minutes a day

3- Hormonal Balance with natural Bioidentical Hormones

4- Supplementation such as Antioxidant type Omega 3, Calcium, Vitamin D, Magnetium etc.

All this is recommended for life

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Since what age can I apply treatment?
Flecha verde

Treatment can be applied from the first symptoms of premenopause.

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Can I bring my previous results to my new treatment?
Flecha verde

It is advisable to do new studies, since almost half a year has passed from the previous studies.

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How often do I need to apply the treatment?
Flecha verde

The treatment is carried out from 4 to 6 months according to medical evaluation.

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When will the benefits be visible?
Flecha verde

The benefits can be noticed from a month to a month and a half, but everything is according to the patient’s organism, changes can be noticed in the first or second week.

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Can I take medication before my treatment?
Flecha verde

Yes, except acetylsalicylic acid, it is necessary not to take acetylsalicylic acid 3 days before your treatment.

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Is recovery time necessary?
Flecha verde

Yes, we ask you not to do physical activity 3 days after the treatment.

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It is painful?
Flecha verde

No, since we apply local anesthesia.

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How is the application done?
Flecha verde

A small incision the size of a rice is made in the left buttock, the pellet (personalized hormone concentrate) is applied and a small band aid is put on which has to be removed within 8 days.

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Can I do study labs with you?
Flecha verde

That’s right, we handle plans where we include the necessary studies for their assessment.

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How do I start?
Flecha verde

Easy, it is only necessary to go to an evaluation appointment in which we will apply two laboratory studies: Women (thyroid profile and ovarian profile) and Men (prostate antigen and testosterone) all these to obtain a result of deficient hormones.

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Which are the benefits?
Flecha verde

Improves general well-being, mood stability, less body fat, improved libido, protection against heart disease, less fatigue and increased energy levels, eliminates the symptoms of menopause.

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Is the dose the same for all people?
Flecha verde

No, each person, depending on their age, lifestyle, place where they live, etc., has different hormonal levels, so each organism requires a personalized dose. Not all organisms require the same dose, method and type of hormones as another.

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Why is this treatment necessary?
Flecha verde

Women begin their gradual decline in progesterone production from the age of 30, starting the stage of hot flashes, irritability, lack of libido, weight gain, and the period that we know as menopause. If a person maintains their optimal levels of hormones, the body will continue to perform the natural functions that are biologically programmed.

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What is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Flecha verde

Bio-identical hormones are compositions of natural (plant) origin, formulated to exactly match the molecular structure of human hormones, being received without secondary reactions from the organism

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Flecha verde

The immediate benefits of a bioidentical hormone treatment is the improvement in the mood as well as the hormonal balance of the patient and the reduction of the symptoms of menopause, generally a treatment of four to six months has a favorable result and an impact on quality of life.

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Flecha verde

The immediate benefits of a bioidentical hormone treatment is the improvement in the mood as well as the hormonal balance of the patient and the reduction of the symptoms of menopause, generally a treatment of four to six months has a favorable result and an impact on quality of life.

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